When Google Serves Ads in Iran, Advertisers Pay the Price

Google to Verify All Advertisers, and Their Location 2020-4-24 · Google said Thursday it would expand its program of verification of advertisers on its platform as part of an effort to weed out fraud and "bad actors." Google will restrict advertisers targeting ads for jobs Google will restrict advertisers targeting ads for jobs, housing and credit Ads for housing, jobs and credit cannot be targeted based on gender or location. Daniel Cooper , @danielwcooper Banks join queue of advertisers ditching Google over Google controls around 35 per cent of all online advertising, but its market dominance could be seriously compromised if other major advertisers desert the platform. Google to Require All Advertisers to Identify Themselves - WSJ

Google Analytics Adds Predictive Features for Advertisers Google Analytics has announced their new feature for Predictive Audiences and Predictive Metrics, available in the App +Web beta product

Jun 16, 2020 · Google requires advertisers to complete a verification process to run ads related to elections that feature a current officeholder, candidate for an elected office.This report provides data on how much is spent by verified advertisers on political advertising across Google Ad Services.

2020-5-12 · Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies.Java is a registered

2019-12-2 · 对于 Google 合作伙伴搜索名录中列出的任何合作伙伴所提供服务的效果或质量,Google 不做任何承诺或保证。Google 不会因将代理机构纳入此名录而向其收费,也不会进行排名竞价。 Google will stop letting advertisers target housing ads 2020-6-11 · Google is making changes to its advertising policies to prevent "unlawful discrimination" around housing, employment and credit.