By default, Pfsense allows all IPv4 and IPv6 traffic outbound and blocks everything inbound. You can see this by clicki ng on Firewall → Rules and clicking on the LAN tab: Likewise, if you click on the WAN tab, you’ll note that there are currently no allow rules in place, thus blocking all traffic inbound to your network.

Apr 01, 2018 Protect home network using subnets with pfSense - NetOSec Jan 24, 2019 TNSR® vs pfSense® Software - TNSR Secure Networking Software Simply stated, the pfSense project is an open-source firewall software distribution, and TNSR software is an open source-based router. pfSense software has been in use since 2006, and covers a wide variety of secure networking solution needs. TNSR software is much newer, and to date has been more targeted in its secure networking solution coverage. Official pfSense Hardware, Appliances, and Security Gateways pfSense Hardware Requirements and Guidance. The following outlines the minimum hardware requirements for pfSense 2.x. Note the minimum requirements are not suitable for all environments. You may be able to get by with less than the minimum, but with less memory you may start swapping to disk, which will dramatically slow down your system.

The pfSense software is an open-source firewall and router solution based on the FreeBSD operating system. Suitable for small and mid-range companies, the pfSense provides a low cost, dedicated firewall, and router solution for physical and virtual computer networks.

Secure networks start here.™ With thousands of enterprises using pfSense® software, it is rapidly becoming the world's most trusted open source network security solution. How much more secure is pfsense compared to normal routers

Tutorial - PFSense Remote Access using SSH [ Step by Step ]

Security: Manage Network Security With pfSense Firewall