I came across the OCRA gem that allows you to easily generate a windows executable from a ruby script. This packages the ruby interpreter and all dependencies into an executable file. It was quite straightforward to get it working, you simply install the gem on windows and run the ocra command with the name of your ruby script.

ocra 설치(Install OCRA) #gem install ocra ocra를 이용하여 ruby script(.rb) -> exe(Win Executable File)로 변환 간단한 Exploit 코드를 Exe로 변환하도록 하겠습니다. 테스트에 사용할 코드는 아래와 같습니다. Ocra stopped working - Google Groups I've been using ocra with Ruby 1.9.3 happily for I think 10 months now ocra by larsch - recordnotfound.com OCRA (One-Click Ruby Application) builds Windows executables from Ruby source code. The executable is a self-extracting, self-running executable that contains the Ruby interpreter, your source code and any additionally needed ruby libraries or DLL. [Ruby] Ocraでインストーラを作る - あおたくノート

Posts about ocra written by Alister Scott. I recently wrote a watir-webdriver ruby script that I needed to be able distribute to others to run on Windows machines that don’t have ruby installed.. I came across the OCRA gem that allows you to easily generate a windows executable from a ruby script. This packages the ruby interpreter and all dependencies into an executable file.

ruby reference c++ reference development source on github issues & wishlist change log Project of the Day: Ludum Dare 17 entries using Gosu (four Ruby games) Discover more awesome projects in the Gosu Showcase. hello ruby c++ / ios Getting Started. On Windows, you can install Gosu through RubyGems: gem install gosu

Mar 19, 2017

How to create Ruby executable file in Windows? | Como Oct 31, 2018 ruby,scripting,compiler-errors,packaging,ocra , Ocra Ocra created an executable from this script successfully when using Ruby 2.0.0p481: This leads me to believe that the result of Gem.loaded_specs has changed somewhere between rubygems 2.0.14 (which is the version running on my 2.0.0p481 build) and rubygems 2.2.2 … Windows で Ocra を使わずに Ruby 製アプリケーションを exe に … Ocra を使わないやり方. そこで、Ruby 2.0 が出るちょっと前くらい頃に、こういう方法はどうですか、という構想が提案されています。 超簡単に Ruby プログラムを exe にする新しい方式 (構想) Ocra ruby tktutorial - Carol Romine