May 26, 2000

what is the difference between client mode and server mode 2. Client: In this mode we can only use the services of vlans but we can not create/modify/delete any vlan. 3. Transparent: In this mode the switch can forward the vlan from server to client etc. This feature is available only in VTP V2. In case of V1, we have to create server configuration again when any Transparent Switch comes between the What is Client and Server (Hindi) - YouTube Oct 02, 2017

Provider who provides the information. Also, called as Server in Client-Server context. In the age of Computers, a client and a server are two computers separated by miles but connected by Web (Internet).

Dec 25, 2018

Client-Side vs Server-Side Programming Languages

May 26, 2000 What is an FTP client and how do I use one? The client computer, running FTP client software, initiates a connection to the server. Once connected, the client can do a number of file manipulation operations such as uploading files to the server, download files from the server, rename or delete files on the server and so on.