Jul 18, 2020

Install Apache. Apache is available within Ubuntu’s default software repositories, so we will install it … Install figlet on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install figlet After system update use the following command to install figlet: sudo apt-get install figlet. Above command will confirm before installing the package on your Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Operating System. If you are not already logged in as su, installer will ask you the root password. After completion of the installation you can use the package on your Simplify Command-Line Package Management with APT instead

Aug 20, 2018

Oct 24, 2018 angularjs - In Git for Windows Bash, how to install "get apt-get install nodejs-legacy npm nodejs --version npm --version Then, the bash told me. bash: apt-get: command not found I was confused and thought the apt-get is a pre-installed thing, so I changed the git setting and re-installed it with all different settings. It still the same. And I am so surprised that "sudo" is not found as well. How To Install the Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 16.04

$ apt-get update $ apt-get install sudo. The first method is to add the user to the sudo group. To do that, you are going to use the “usermod” command with the capital G flag (for groups) $ sudo usermod -a -G sudo user. You can also use the gpasswd command to grand sudo rights. $ sudo gpasswd -a bob sudo Adding user to the group sudo

Aug 23, 2019 · I was logged in as matthew and I wanted to install nano, so I typed. sudo apt-get install nano This didn't work. I tried it several times double checking that all the passwords were correct and being confused. I logged in as root and typed. apt-get install nano $ apt-get update $ apt-get install sudo. The first method is to add the user to the sudo group. To do that, you are going to use the “usermod” command with the capital G flag (for groups) $ sudo usermod -a -G sudo user. You can also use the gpasswd command to grand sudo rights. $ sudo gpasswd -a bob sudo Adding user to the group sudo In my case, I wanted to install curl, but could not create directory /usr/local/curl/lib when running command "make install", because of permission deny. so i need to change /usr/local permission. when i run sudo chmod 755 /usr/local, sudo command not found. after searching a few solution, found that sudo is not installed by default in Cygwin. Apr 24, 2013 · Download Sudo for Windows for free. Sudo for Windows (sudowin) allows authorized users to launch processes with elevated privileges using their own passphrase. Unlike the runas command, Sudo for Windows preserves the user's profile and ownership of created objects.