Amazon Machine Image - Wikipedia

Tutorial: Install a LAMP Web Server on Amazon Linux 2 To set up a LAMP web server on Amazon Linux AMI, see Tutorial: Install a LAMP Web Server with the Amazon Linux AMI. Now that your instance is current, you can install the Apache web server, MariaDB, and PHP software packages. Use the yum install command to install multiple software packages and all related dependencies at the same time. How to Launch and Connect Linux Server on AWS Amazon Web May 17, 2020 Linux Server Security: Hack and Defend -

Oct 20, 2017

Jun 08, 2017 Installing syslog-ng on AWS Linux AMI - Blog - syslog-ng The one I am writing about is the Amazon Linux AMI, the custom Linux distribution maintained by Amazon: The AWS Linux AMI is based on RHEL 6, so you can use syslog-ng built for that. This means that you can enable the EPEL repository and use syslog-ng from there. While it works, it is not recommended as it contains an ancient version (3.2).

Linux Server Security: Hack and Defend -

Install MySQL on Amazon Linux in AWS EC2 - Vignesh A S - Blog Aug 31, 2019 Amazon AWS: Setting up a Simple Web Server on Amazon Linux