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What is Hive2Hive? Hive2Hive is an open-source library, written in Java, for secure, distributed, P2P-based file synchronization and sharing. It is built on top of TomP2P, an advanced, high-performance DHT for multi-key-value pairs.The Hive2Hive project is licensed under the MIT License and any contribution is welcome.. Problems of Common Sync and Sharing Services GitHub - moshest/p2p-index: A collection of peer-to-peer Tox P2P Secure(end-to-end encryption) & crossplatform open-source instant messaging and video conference. Riot Distributed(Matrix.org network), Secure(end-to-end encryption) & crossplatform open-source instant messaging and video conference. Classified-Ads Server-less program for internet communications, including public and private messages. How does P2P VPN redirection works with ProtonVPN Sorry to be late at the party! Everything is fine, this is our IP address. This is the Canadian P2P server IP and you will get redirected to it if you are using something like torrents while connected to a non-P2P server. We have another P2P server in the Netherlands for the same purpose. See the dedicated p2P servers at the link below. qBittorrent download | SourceForge.net

Friends is like Slack except P2P, offline friendly and open source. Data is transmitted over secure channels and messages are authenticated. It is made by a group of open source developers who are motivated to make a public chat platform that is easy to use but isn't centrally controlled, and where data is owned by its users.

P2P (or peer-to-peer) networking is a network model where, depending on an operation's context, any node can operate as either a server or a client. P2P provides certain interesting capabilities Examples include: Open-source 3D-printable optics equipment, Open-source colorimeter; P2P Identity and Relationality. Project Danube: "an open-source project offering software for identity and personal data services on the Internet. The core of this project is an XDI-based Personal Data Store - a semantic database for your personal data, which Cabos is a Japanese P2P client for open source Gnutella networks. It is based in Acquisition and LimeWire to connect to the networks shared files directly. Through its simple sidebar, you can access all information about the network, searching, downloading and uploading files.

But the evolution of an open source project named WebRTC has changed the game, making installation-free P2P solutions a reality. WebRTC is a browser-based plug-in-less technology that has paved the way for a new distributed caching platform for video streaming.

Oct 18, 2017 · Best Free & Open source Video Streaming Servers Software Red5 Open source media server. Red5 is an open source media server available in both Open source and paid licensed versions. It gives support for all kinds of live streaming. This design of this media server is very flexible and can enhance the capability using the simple plugins. Free open-source video conferencing for web & mobile. Make a call, launch on your own servers in minutes, integrate into your app, or develop something new Join the weekly Jitsi Community video call • Mondays @ 10:30am CT Details Jan 10, 2018 · This project is an open-source project, hence you can contribute in its development. You can notify your ideas and initiatives to have a better and advanced application. Based on this open-source essence of the current project, you can take part in the development process through GitHub. As you may know, GitHub is a web-based application for Jami - the distributed and open source communication platform. Jami is completely peer-to-peer and doesn't require a server for relaying data between users.