Java List Collection Tutorial and Examples

The following example demonstrates the Clear method and various other properties and methods of the List generic class. The Clear method is used at the end of the program, to remove all items from the list, and the Capacity and Count properties are then displayed. List (Java SE 9 & JDK 9 ) The List interface provides four methods for positional (indexed) access to list elements. Lists (like Java arrays) are zero based. Note that these operations may execute in time proportional to the index value for some implementations (the LinkedList class, for example). Thus, iterating over the elements in a list is typically preferable to Java LinkedList Clear, Empty, Remove All elements Example

Sep 29, 2015

Java arraylist clear method - w3resource

Now when the Java process is connected to a console, i.e. has been started from a command line without output redirection, it will clear the console. answered Aug 27, 2018 by Sushmita • 6,890 points

The clear() method of List interface in Java is used to remove all of the elements from the List container. This method does not deleted the List container, instead it justs removes all of the elements from the List. Syntax: public void clear() Parameter: This method accepts does not accepts any parameter. Return Value: The return type of the function is void and it does not returns anything. ArrayList clear() in Java with examples - GeeksforGeeks Mar 19, 2018