hey guys how are you doing , i just need to know what does it mean that IKE SA is bidirectional but IPSEC SA is unidircetional

Hey I'm trying to set up a site-to-site vpn between a cisco 871 router(IOS 12.4) and asa 5550 8.4 The router conf: crypto isakmp policy 1 authentication pre-share encr 3des hash sha group 2 lifetime 86400 exit crypto isakmp key secretkey address router_external_ip crypto ipsec transform-set ASA-I > test vpn ike-sa Start time: Dec.04 00:03:37 Initiate 1 IKE SA. > test vpn ipsec-sa Start time: Dec.04 00:03:41 Initiate 1 IPSec SA. 2. Check ike phase1 status (in case of ikev1) GUI: Navigate to Network->IPSec Tunnels GREEN indicates up RED indicates down You can click on the IKE info to get the details of the Phase1 SA. ike phase1 sa up: IKEv2 Settings affect IKE notifications and allow you to configure dynamic client support. Send IKEv2 Cookie Notify - Sends cookies to IKEv2 peers as an authentication tool. Send IKEv2 Invalid SPI Notify – Sends an invalid Security Parameter Index (SPI) notification to IKEv2 peers when an active IKE security association (SA) exists. The IKE SA specifies values for the IKE exchange: the authentication method used, the encryption and hash algorithms, the Diffie-Hellman group used, the lifetime of the IKE SA in seconds or kilobytes, and the shared secret key values for the encryption algorithms. The IKE SA in each peer is bi-directional. Aggressive Mode From now on, if additional CHILD_SAs are needed, a message called CREATE_CHILD_SA can be used to establish additional CHILD_SAs. It can also be used to rekey IKE_SA where Notification payload is sent of type REKEY_SA followed by CREATE_CHILD_SA with new key information so new SA is established and old one is subsequently deleted.

CLI Command. NFX Series. Display information about the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Security Association (SA).

Feb 05, 2013 · In the established VPN session if there is no bidirectional traffic for a couple minutes (3-5 minutes), the ASA receives IKE delete messages from the Azure (,, for specified IPSec SAs (specified SPIs). The IPSec SA lifetime is set to 3600 seconds, which differs from the normal operation of the VPN. [ENC] <1> generating IKE_SA_INIT response 0 [ SA KE No N(NATD_S_IP) N(NATD_D_IP) N(MULT_AUTH) ] [NET] <1> sending packet: from[500] to[34460] (312 bytes) [NET] <1> received packet: from[34495] to[4500] (428 bytes) [ENC] <1> parsed IKE_AUTH request 1 [ IDi N(INIT_CONTACT) N(MOBIKE Internet Key Exchange (IKE): The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) is an IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) standard protocol used to ensure security for virtual private network ( VPN ) negotiation and

An IKE_SA so created inherits all of the original IKE_SA's CHILD_SAs. Use the new IKE_SA for all control messages needed to maintain the CHILD_SAs created by the old IKE_SA, and delete the old IKE_SA. The Delete payload to delete itself MUST be the last request sent over an IKE_SA.

IPSEC tunnel problem : no SA proposal chosen hello, i have a problem with a site-to-site VPN i'm currently on fortigate VM-64 (Firmware Versionv5.0,build3608 (GA Patch 7)) the other end is a livebox pro (from france), which is emulating a cisco router this is what i have in the logs on fortigate : The Draytek's logs show: 2019-02-24 17:57:23 [IPSEC/IKE][L2L][6:OHPfsense2][@] err: infomational exchange message is invalid 'cos incomplete ISAKMP SA Security Associations Overview, IKE Key Management Protocol Overview, IPsec Requirements for Junos-FIPS, Overview of IPsec, IPsec-Enabled Line Cards, Authentication Algorithms, Encryption Algorithms, IPsec Protocols Jun 18, 2019 · IKE traffic leaving your on-premises network is sourced from your configured customer gateway IP address on UDP port 500. To test this setting, disable NAT traversal on your customer gateway device. UDP packets on port 500 (and port 4500, if you're using NAT traversal) are allowed to pass between your network and AWS VPN endpoints. The old IKE SA retains its numbering, so any further requests (for example, to delete the IKE SA) will have consecutive numbering. The new IKE SA also has its window size reset to 1, and the initiator in this rekey exchange is the new "original initiator" of the new IKE SA. Section 2.18 also covers IKE SA rekeying in detail. 1.3.3. Jan 08, 2019 · Everything has been rock solid until last night. With no changes, and the ISP confirming that there are no issues, the VPN connection started dropping. I can establish a VPN connection to the firewall directly, but the tunnel to Azure drops every minute with a warning of IKEv2 Unable to find IKE SA.