Table Relationships: 1. Trail_Access point features are joined to the Town_Data table via the TownNo field. 2. Trail_Access point features are joined to the Trail_System table via the TrailSysId field. Attributes: 1. Trail System Id - Uniquely identifies a logical system of trails and is a common identifier found in all tables.

Storing and retrieving instance metadata Jun 26, 2020 Instance metadata and user data - Amazon® Elastic Compute Cloud Instance metadata is divided into categories, for example, host name, events, and security groups. You can also use instance metadata to access user data that you specified when launching your instance. For example, you can specify parameters for configuring your instance, or include a simple script. How to view your photo Metadata in iOS 13 and iPadOS

Access and License Indicators | NISO website

How can I view the metadata for a Microsoft Access 2013 If you want to retrieve the access database metadata this may be helpful: Every microsoft access database contains a system table named MSysObjects. This tables contains this database metadata. You can get all objects with there creation date and last update date. You can list all Objects in an Access Database using the following query:

Accessing Instance Metadata - Google Cloud

PDF metadata | How to add, use or edit metadata in PDF files PDF metadata standards. There are a number of standards for enriching PDF files with metadata. Below is a short summary: There are PDF substandards such as PDF/X and PDF/A that require the use of specific metadata. In a PDF/X-1a file, for example, there has to be a metadata field that describes whether the PDF file has been trapped or not. How to: View and Edit Metadata in ArcGIS 10 | Introduction The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) created the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) that has been used in the United States for many years; it is commonly referred to as the FGDC metadata standard. Navigating through the additional metadata allows you to see the entire metadata documentation for the selected dataset. c# - What is metadata in .NET? - Stack Overflow